Japan Metal Daily (Tekko Shimbun, JMD) is the largest Japanese daily newspaper focusing on Steel and Non-ferrous metal industries. While we are based in Japan, our reporting is not limited to Japan but also events occurring in Asia and other regions, such as global alliances between corporations.

The metal market is constantly changing in very dynamic and dramatic ways, and is notable for its links to various industries, such as the automotive, construction, electric, shipbuilding and energy industries. Our reporters have extensive experience covering those industries. We report about any news related to steel products, trading, technology and raw materials. 

At JMD website you can find specialized and informative news about the steel industry. We hope you find our articles interesting.



Company Name Tekko Shimbun Corp.
First Issue April, 1947
Founded April, 1949
Capital 90 million Yen
Staff 90
CEO Tomoki Ichiyanagi


Head Office Jimbocho 101 bldg.
1-101 Jimbocho
Kanda chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL  81-3-5259-5203    FAX  81-3-5259-5209
Osaka Office Morita Bldg.
1-15-10 Utsubohonmachi
Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi
Osakahu 550-0004
TEL 81-6-6445-6935  FAX 81-6-6445-6938
Nagoya Office

3F Work Bldg.
2-15-12 Nakata Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi
Aichiken 464-0074
TEL 81-52-735-6556  FAX 81-52-735-6557

Sapporo Office 4F Asahiseimei-sapporo Bldg.
3-1-8, Kitanijyonishi
Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi
Hokkaido 060-0002
TEL 81-11-251-3536  FAX 81-11-251-2196
Sendai Office 2-1-2 Komegabukuro
Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi
Miyagiken 980-0813
TEL 81-22-225-1485  FAX 81-22-225-1755
Hiroshima Office 5F Otemachi First Bldg.
5-1-1 Otemachi, Naka-ku,
Hiroshimaken 730-0051
TEL 81-82-241-3592  FAX 81-82-241-3597
Hukuoka Office

Hakata Ekimae
Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Fukuokaken 812-0011
TEL 092(451)3321  FAX 092(451)3387

Niigata Office 2-2-12 Higashi0dori
Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi
Niigataken 950-0087
TEL 81-25-246-3834  FAX 81-25-246-3967
Toyama Office 2-4-21 Momoicho
Toyamaken 930-0072
TEL 81-764-21-1782  FAX 81-764-21-1785